This is the third video in a series of Facebook Live Videos.  I will be providing some highlights of my Open Thread Bar  workshop. VIDEO URL: CLASS HANDBOOK:  I am providing you with my ENTIRE handbook on Needles & Threads.  This contains fabulous information from both myself and Superior Threads.

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This is the second in a series of Facebook Live Videos.  In this lesson I will be teaching you how to get your quilting rhythm on a domestic machine, how to stop/start your quilting lines and how to easily bury your threads. VIDEO URL:   CLICK HERE for a small handout that accompanies this video. CLICK HERE for the instruction for maneuvering a large quilt.

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This is the first in a series of Facebook Live videos.  In this lesson I will be teaching you very basic designing using just your ruler and the Basic Three fillers.    This will be the foundation for all of the lessons coming up. VIDEO URL: CLICK HERE for the Ultimate Shape handout.  This will give you good information on how you can repeat a basic shape for an all-over design and then fill it with a simple filler.   CLICK HERE to purchase the Ultimate Shape stencil set. 

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Well I've taken the plunge and am starting to do a series of lessons on Facebook Live.  I desperately miss being in a real classroom so this will get me out of my funk and allow me to do some fun lessons for you. Not everyone does Facebook so I am going to copy/paste the URL to the video at the end of this post so you can enjoy these too.  If you have any questions about the lessons or need some help please feel free to contact me by hitting the "Contact Us" button on my home page. This...

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Wholecloth Linen Miniatures~The "Little Girls"

In the quilting world I'm known for my heirloom quilting on vintage linens...turning them into one-of-a-kind wholecloth linen quilts.   For a limited time I am creating framed miniatures from linens in my personal stash.  These make perfect holiday gifts, birthdays, anniversary, etc.  Each piece is unique and different...no two are exactly the same.   Each is machine quilted with Kimono silk thread, hand beaded, signed and framed.  These are available for sale on my website...check back often as I will be adding new ones every day or so!

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